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Call to Prayer Community Gathering

Call to Prayer Community Gathering

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 05 2024
  • Time: 8:00 pm


Sep 05 2024


8:00 pm


National Office Event

Call to Prayer Community Gathering

Join us on Thursday, September 5, 8 pm ET, for a special Community Gathering: A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial.

“Even in our wandering, God is our guide and the giver of sweet water and manna— that which sustains us.” -United Women in Faith Program Resource Book

Together we lift our spirits to the Lord, and we declare ourselves children of the Almighty. Through this call to prayer, we appeal to one another to dive deeper into our faith and recommit ourselves to care for one another and all of creation and to seek justice and liberation. This call to prayer reminds us that the work of caring for God’s creation is part of our Christian covenant, and a form to honor our ancestors and care for our children and future generations.

Give now to support the work United Women in Faith are doing in your community and around the world.

A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial is open to everyone.

Click here for the Zoom link to attend.