Who We Are
Board of Directors

Our board is composed of 25 members—all United Women in Faith members— dedicated to shepherding our success across these key areas: program policies, finances and property, and executive staff.
Purposefully structured to meet the needs of women organized for mission, 20 board members are elected by member delegations in five regional jurisdictions, while an additional five are selected through a nomination process designed to ensure diversity of age, race, language, and physical ability.
Our leadership also includes our valued program advisory group, created to give voice to the membership into the programs and initiatives of our organization and provide meaningful connection across the denomination.
This group provides representation from each of the Annual Conferences and from six general agencies, regional missionaries, deaconesses and home missioners, as well as the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women.
2024-2028 Board of Directors

Board Executive Leadership
President: Jana Jones | Mountain Sky Conference
Vice President: Heidi J. Careaga | Wisconsin Conference
Secretary: Melba McCallum | North Carolina Conference
Chair of Governance Committee: Mikele Haskins-Delmore | Baltimore-Washington Conference
Chair of Finance Committee: Julia Paradine-Rice | Michigan Conference
North Central Jurisdiction
Heidi J. Careaga | Wisconsin Conference
Kim Harris | Minnesota Conference
Roxie Hutsell | West Ohio Conference
Julia Paradine-Rice | Michigan Conference
Lois Moreland-Dean | Northern Illinois Conference
Kathie Clementz | Indiana Conference
Northeast Jurisdiction
Yvonne Bouknight | Greater New Jersey Conference
Allison Francesco | Susquehanna Conference
Mikele Haskins-Delmore | Baltimore-Washington Conference
Hazel McIntosh | New York Conference
Denise Snyder | Peninsula Delaware Conference
Diane Miller | Western Pennsylvania Conference
Western Jurisdiction
Hamu Chigwada | Mountain Sky Conference
Jana Jones | Mountain Sky Conference
Laddie Perez-Galang | California-Pacific Conference

Southeastern Jurisdiction
Stephanie Dressler | North Georgia Conference
Renee Hayes | Western North Carolina Conference
Zan Jones | Alabama-West Florida Conference
Melba McCallum | North Carolina Conference
Patsy Thomas | South Georgia Conference
Katy Wrona | Alabama-West Florida Conference
Margaret Gipson | Mississippi Conference
Lori Sluder | Holston Conference
South Central Jurisdiction
Patricia Dye | Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conferencee
Lynne Grandstaff | Central Texas Conference
Cynthia Harry | North Texas Conference
Kelly Grace Loeb | Missouri Conference
Cheryll Felder | New Mexico Conference
Yolanda Faye Perry | Oklahoma Conference
Additional Members
Olhivia Abigail Gutierrez | Rio Texas Conference
Susan Kim | New England Conference
Deborah Pintsch | Alaska Conference
Stephanie Pounds | Texas Conference
Marilyn Reid | Pacific Northwest Conference