Legacy Fund
Have you seen our new Planned Giving pages? They include many helpful financial resources.
As a permanently invested endowment, the Legacy Fund will be an ongoing source of income, providing the assurance that our important work can always continue.
Giving to the Legacy Fund will support United Women in Faith in perpetuity. That’s why gifts to the endowment fund are such a vital way to sustain and grow our capacity to serve and advocate.

The Legacy Endowment Fund Campaign
In 2014, the Legacy Endowment Fund Campaign was created and set a bold goal of raising $60 million for the endowment. Through the generosity and efforts of women like you, we are confident this goal can be reached!
With every gift received in 2022 and beyond, we will secure the financial resources needed to deepen and expand our mission. Consider joining your legacy with ours and making a gift today.
Other Ways to Give:
By phone: 800-278-7771
Mail check to:
United Women in Faith
Attn: Legacy
Church Center for the United Nations
777 United Nations Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10017
150 Legacy Builder
With the Legacy Builder, you can help move our mission steadily forward by making a monthly gift of $18.69 or more.
Why $18.69? To honor our foremothers who, in 1869, first put out the call to action to raise money to improve the lives of women and children.
What could $18.69 impact? By endowing core expenses, we are equipped to make a difference in areas such as:
- Providing healthy snacks to an afterschool program for children living in poverty in rural Kentucky
- Supplying books for an international scholarship recipient in the Phillipines
- Purchasing baby chicks to create entrepreneurship opportunities for women and youth in Mozambique.

Sister by sister, story by story, we’re creating our legacy.
“I have been given the honor of writing about why I give to the Legacy Fund of United Women in Faith and why I have included the fund in my planned giving.”
Planned Giving
Planned or deferred gifts represent a special type of support that benefits you, the donor, and United Women in Faith. Often a planned gift allows you to maximize your contribution and provide you income or tax advantages. United Women in Faith can provide you with further information and assistance if you are considering a planned gift.
1869 Society
If you inform United Women in Faith of your intentions to make a planned gift, you become a member of our 1869 Society (in recognition of the year of our founding), honoring those who have named United Women in Faith as a beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy. We know that the membership will grow because we know the incredible spirit and generosity of our members.
Steps to Make a Planned Gift to United Women in Faith
- Contact the United Women in Faith Development Office at 800-278-7771 to speak confidentially to a development officer about your giving options. You can e-mail us at legacy150@uwfaith.org for more information. When you are ready to inform United Women in Faith of your plans to make a planned gift, please fill out this form and send to the Development office.
- Speak with your loved ones about your plans and personal wishes.
- Meet with your attorney and financial advisor to let them know of your desire to make a planned gift to United Women in Faith. They can assist you in determining what type of gift best suits your personal and financial circumstances.
- Please retain your acknowledgement letter as your receipt in compliance with IRS regulation.
Here are some examples:
Securities/Stocks: Appreciated securities can provide an attractive means of giving. Through this type of gift, an individual can receive a charitable income tax deduction and avoid paying tax on the capital gains that would be due if the stocks were sold outright. A gift of securities can be made by transferring stock directly to United Women in Faith. You may call 800-278-7771 or e-mail legacy150@uwfaith.org for details on how to accomplish a stock transfer.
Matching or Workplace Giving: Many companies have a matching gift program or contribution through a workplace giving campaign, that may increase your contribution to United women in Faith. Your employer’s (or former employer’s) human resources office can provide the necessary information.
IRA Charitable Rollover: If you own an IRA and are over age 70½, you may transfer up to $100,000 annually directly from your IRA to United Women in Faith. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction. The transfer may count against your unsatisfied required minimum distribution.
Retirement Plan Beneficiary: You can also add United Women in Faith as a beneficiary, partial beneficiary or contingent beneficiary in your IRA or other retirement plan.
Bequests: Individuals may make a gift of a specific amount or a percentage of their estate to support the campaign.
Wording such as the following may be utilized:
“I give and bequest (a) the sum of $_____________________; or (b) ______% of my estate; or (c) the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to United Women in Faith, a New York nonprofit corporation, Church Center for the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017 for its general purposes.”
Life Insurance: United Women in Faith may be named as the owner and beneficiary of a new policy, or ownership of an existing policy may be transferred to United Women in Faith.
Assets or Property: You can designate the total, portion or percentage of your home or property sale proceeds to United Women in Faith.