Second Sunday In Lent
Sunday, March 13
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Luke 13:31-35
by Tinashe Tembo
I believe my encounter with God began when I was named Tinashe, which means “God with us.” My name reminds me that God was, is, and will always be with us in every situation. Do not be afraid or discouraged — we are not alone — God is with us! Tinashe!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9 (RSV). The aforementioned verses remind me that my thoughts are not God’s thoughts and God’s ways are higher than my ways in my life and ministry.
When I started the Action for Birthday initiative, I wanted it to be a one-off thing where I celebrate my birthday by mobilizing food and other resources to donate to a local children’s home but because God’s ways are higher than my ways! Last year in August we celebrated the initiative’s first anniversary. Unlike my thoughts, the initiative now has over 16 people mobilizing resources for the children’s home as part of their birthday celebrations from January to December. This can only be God, where I wanted to mobilize resources for a single month, but God had plans for the whole year and beyond. I find hope and encouragement that I am not alone, whenever God calls you–helpers will be sent to fulfill the call.
I invite you to pray so that we will be able to identify helpers sent by God in our lives and ministries.
Tinashe Tembo is a Home Missioner and Social Worker from Zimbabwe and his ministry involves working with orphaned and vulnerable children.