Share the Mission u Curricula All Year Long!

Mission u is a transformative educational program that encompasses both Bible-based curricula and events. All are welcome to engage with either or both components of Mission u. This year, our Mission u theme is The Kin-dom Is Among You: Drawing Closer to God and One Another.
Mission u’s newest transformative biblical curricula for adults, youth, and children explore how we transform ourselves and our communities in ways that bring us closer to God’s kin-dom and God’s kin-dom closer to us.
- Perfect for Sunday School and other small groups, these 8-session curricula dig deep into scripture from a justice perspective.
- Intergenerational! Children, youth, and adults explore a shared biblical theme through age-appropriate curricula while also periodically coming together for shared learning through specially designed activities.
- Share this curricula with your pastor, minister, group and Sunday School leaders, and others.
Curricula is available for adults, youth, and children on the e-store.
Digital copies are available at uwfaith.org/digital.
Get digital “Facilitator’s Editions” with facilitator tips and reflection questions at UWFaith Digital for the Adult, Youth, and Children’s curricula.
Visit our Mission u page for more info.