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Press Release from the Native American International Caucus of The United Methodist Church
Contact: Ragghi Rain, ragghirain@gmail.com
We, the members of the Native American International Caucus of the United Methodist Church, cry out with the knowledge that we have finally been heard. The intentional harm perpetuated against our people through Indian Boarding Schools has at long last been spoken. At the same time, we know that our communities will not be able to rest or heal until all our children have been unearthed and restored to their homelands. We know that our children’s spirits will not rest until they are reunited with their families. We know that there is much work still to do.
We say waanishii and give thanks for the longtime struggles of Tribal communities everywhere who have fought to name the harm, both historical and ongoing, that Native people have survived from the genocidal policies of Indian Boarding Schools.
We acknowledge with appreciation the courageous work of Secretary Deb Haaland and the U.S. Department of the Interior for their ongoing investigations, listening sessions and reports that bring to light the realities of the devastation caused by Indian Boarding Schools in the United States. We also recognize the UMC agencies and ministries – the General Commission on Archives and History, the Native American Comprehensive Plan, the General Commission on Religion and Race, United Women in Faith, the General Board of Global Ministries, the Board of Discipleship Ministries, the General Board of Church and Society, the UM Communications – for the journey we have undertaken together to seek truth, justice and healing.
We affirm President Joe Biden’s willingness to listen to our hearts and our pain, and to speak the truth about this history that too many have attempted to silence over the centuries. We look forward to the life-giving acts of justice that will follow President Biden’s words, as this nation finally takes the next necessary steps to enable the reconciliation that will strengthen all.
We the Indigenous people of the United Methodist Church will continue to support the efforts of all those who actively seek the Good Medicine Way with organizational and financial support to bring our children home and tend to the deep woundedness of our people and communities.
Oonkuntuwaak, blessings