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2014-2021 Press Releases

Women of Faith Train for Justice Action July 29-Aug. 2 in Chicago

National Seminar 2015

More than 200 women from around the country will prepare for bold, faith-based justice action at “Interrupting Indifference: Jesus, Justice and the Bible,” the quadrennial United Methodist Women National Seminar in Chicago, July 29 to Aug. 2. Workshops, site visits, and joint actions with Chicago-area groups will equip participants with skills to effect change in their home communities.

The event will include workshops on spiritually anchored activism, climate justice, maternal and child health, economic justice, racial justice, mass incarceration and police brutality, organizing skills, and more.

Participants will also join Chicago-area groups in site visits and actions:

  • July 31, 7-9 p.m. — Town Hall Meeting Action
    Mass Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform
    University of Illinois, Room: Illinois AB, 750 South Halsted, Chicago
    Panelists will include: United Methodist Bishop Sally DyckPage May of the Village Leadership Academy/We Charge Genocide; Charlene Caruthers, Black Youth Project 100; Lissette Castillo Vizcarra, Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America
  • Aug. 1, 10:30 a.m.-noon — Site Visit on Income Inequality
    UE Union Hall, 37 S. Ashland, Chicago
    Participants will meet with members of Latino Union of Chicago/Chicago Coalition of Household Workers, a part of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, to explore how faith communities can support low-wage workers’ struggle for dignity, sick days, and higher wages.
  • Aug. 1, 1:30-3:30 p.m. — Public Accountability Action on Police Brutality and Mass Incarceration
    Hartzell United Methodist Church, 3330 S King Drive, Chicago
    Participants include The Community Renewal SocietyUnited Methodist Women, United Methodists of the Northern Illinois Conference, and community organizations to address public concerns on policing and jails in Chicago.

Participants will also visit the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization to experience a sustainable community that promotes healthy development.

Contact: Yvette Moore, 212-870-3822; 347-743-7027

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