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2014-2021 Press Releases

Statement on Mass Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue

For Immediate Release

With stunned hearts, United Methodist Women mourns the senseless mass shooting of Jewish worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 27. We pray for the surviving family members and for this hurting congregation.

United Methodist Women stands with our nation’s Jewish community.

We stand with all people of good will against the rush of hate that our nation has suffered over the past week as white supremacist nationalists attempted to bomb political opponents, murdered two black people in a Kentucky grocery store, and killed 11 Jewish worshippers during a Sabbath service.

At this pivotal time for our nation, we urge United Methodist Women members and all people of good will to think and pray—and to act and speak.

We remember the words of the biblical prophet Isaiah:

“So, justice is driven back and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. God saw that there was no one. God was appalled that there was no one to intervene; So, God’s own arm worked salvation” (Isaiah 59:14-16, NIV).

We recommend that we all read and act on “Speaking Out for Compassion and Against Hate,” The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church, # 3422:  

At a time of rising vitriol, racism, hate, and violence in the world born of deep economic crisis and global shifts, it is time for the Church to speak out. If we do not, God will be appalled. We feel compelled to raise a prophetic voice challenging the climate of distrust, distortion of truth, and fear, shifting the conversation to our common future. In many nations, the level of anger has crossed a line in terms of civility. Whatever the disagreement about policy or program, this behavior is unacceptable.

It represents a spiritual crisis that calls for us to respond by deepening our understanding of God’s call and filling our own deep yearnings for spiritual wholeness, that can empower us to love and show compassion without giving up our responsibility to speak out for justice.

We do not want God to be further appalled. We must act boldly by turning our faith, hope and love into action for compassion and against hate.


Contact: Yvette Moore, Director of Public Relations and Marketing,

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