2014-2021 Press Releases
Statement from United Methodist Women Jurisdiction Events and Mission U
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, United Methodist Women today announced changes for two of its major program events scheduled for April through May 2020.
The organization will seek to reschedule four of its five quadrennial Jurisdiction events where members elect United Methodist Women’s national Board of Directors and program advisory group members. Also, the organization is exploring online distance learning resources for those registered for its annual national Mission u training events for conference study leaders.
Additional information about these events is forthcoming.
We are committed to the health and wellbeing of our members and the women, children, and families we serve. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot, in good conscience, continue to regularly convene. This decision aligns with the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s call for postponement or cancelation of gatherings of more than 50 persons.
Four Jurisdiction Events
The four Jurisdiction events include United Methodist Women’s South Central Jurisdiction, Western Jurisdiction, Southeastern Jurisdiction, and the Northeastern Jurisdiction. As of now, the North Central Jurisdiction event in Sioux Falls from June 26 – 28 will still take place. Additional information is forthcoming regarding the potential new dates and election plans.
For individuals who have registered for a postponed jurisdiction event but cannot attend the new date, we will offer an opportunity to transfer registrations. We are unable to offer refunds. This is consistent with our current cancelation policy.
Please note, that this situation is fluid. Should federal or state governments issue, advise, or strongly recommend that social distancing remains in place for longer than expected, we will govern ourselves accordingly. We will notify registrants as soon as possible if a change of plans occurs.
It goes without saying that this is a situation none of us could have anticipated or imagined. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 has rightly inspired pause and concern. There is a legitimate concern for our families, vulnerable community members, persons suffering from the illness, and the children and older people entrusted to our care. While we endure a season of behavior modification, we must hold fast to our faith, our calling, and our mission to put faith, hope, and love into action. We will remain prayerful, vigilant, and hopeful.
Should you have questions in reference to the jurisdiction events, please direct them to jurisdictions2020@unitedmethodistwomen.org. Questions about Mission u’s can be directed to mission.u@unitedmethodistwomen.org.
Contact: Yvette Moore, ymoore@unitedmethodistwomen.org