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United Women in Faith Condemns the Supreme Court Decision Undermining Environmental Protections and Threatening Community Health

For Immediate Release


NEW YORK – On Friday, June 28, the United States Supreme Court overturned what is known as the “Chevron doctrine.” United Women in Faith, the nation’s largest denominational organization for women, issued the following statement. The statement can be attributed to IIka Vega, the organization’s executive for economic and environmental justice:

“The United States Supreme Court decision overturning the Chevron doctrine is a precarious setback for environmental regulations and the environmental justice community. This important legal precedent allowed federal agencies to implement laws and regulations to protect public health and the environment. As a result of this action, it will be easier for polluting industries and companies to block new regulations, putting vulnerable communities at greater risk.

“As an organization working on behalf of women, children, and youth, we condemn this decision and the precarious legal conditions it creates for the future of environmental justice. We know that our environment is increasingly threatened by extractive industries and climate change, making this decision all the more regrettable.

“This ruling is a wake-up call to the backlash the environmental movement is facing. Mobilization is crucially important as is solidarity with frontline communities. This decision impacts us all, and we cannot take our community health for granted. Further, we cannot allow this sort of regression to persist.

“We are mindful that our collective health is on the line, though this Supreme Court ruling is especially harmful to marginalized communities who are already facing disproportionate environmental burdens. We urge policymakers to take immediate action to strengthen environmental laws and regulations, centering the needs of people over corporations. They must also include frontline communities and the environmental justice community in future decision-making processes.”


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