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Just Energy 4 All Resources

Just Energy for All is United Women in Faith’s campaign to work for climate justice and mobilize members and communities to advocate for cleaner, 100% renewable, and just energy – for people and creation.

We are stewards of God’s creation. This is one of our very first callings in this world – a call to love, protect, and share in the gifts of God’s creation. Ecclesiastes 1: 4-7 reminds us of the abundance of such gifts: the sun, the wind, and the streams, providing beyond any of our lifetimes, and giving us renewable energy to sustain our life in this Earth. Unfortunately, our abuses of creation and one another, our exploitative systems and relationships, and our reliance on fossil fuels have gotten us to the point of planetary climate collapse.

Join us today to address the climate crisis! Or visit for more information.

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Make your voice be heard in demanding climate justice!

We ask local, state, and federal governments and corporations to:

  1. Increase clean, 100% renewable and just energy infrastructure with equitable considerations aligned with the Jemez Principles and the Principles for Environmental Justice that are good for people and creation. Prioritize investments, opportunities, hiring, and leadership of Indigenous people, youth, women, elderly, Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, and other communities directly impacted by the climate crisis and extractive industries, and communities historically marginalized.
  2. Align existing and new policies to fossil fuel non-proliferation and phase down and out of existing fossil fuel extraction and consumption in a swift, equitable, and just manner aiming for 70% emission reductions by 2030 and 100% by 2050.
  3. Align targets and practices to contribute the U.S. fair share of climate finance, loss and damage contributions as a historical emitter, and emission reductions in order to remain under the 1.5 C warming limit established during the Paris Agreement.

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