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Maundy Thursday

Love in Action

Exodus 12:1-4, [5-10], 11-14
John 13:1-17, 31b-35

by Kathy Cook

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:34–35
Kathy Cook
Kathy Cook

Jesus gathered with his disciples for the Passover meal the day before he would be hung on the cross. Can you imagine the sadness his friends felt? The fear? The swirling emotions stirring through their minds?

What did Jesus choose to do at this gathering? Not only did he break bread with his friends, he also fed their souls through the soles of their feet.

Wow! Did you absorb that? Jesus took off his outer layers, knelt on the floor, and washed the dirty dusty feet of his beloved followers!

I love reflecting on Jesus’ actions! He knew that his time on earth was about to end and that he soon would be joining his father in heaven. And yet, as the time drew near, he loved his disciples in this radical unexpected way!

Since the disciples could not understand the lesson that they were being taught through his foot washing, Jesus explained to them that he was setting an example. They should do as he had done. Love one another!

Do I truly understand this lesson Jesus taught by putting his unwavering love into action? Am I loving how Jesus taught? Are you? Can others see that we are Jesus’ disciples by our love?

United Women in Faith members are known for putting our love and faith into action to serve women, children, and youth throughout the world. It is one of the things I love most about us! How have you served faithfully in an unexpected way?

I cherish the moments when I feel God’s nudge to love radically right now, right here, regardless of who I am with and where I am. I can feel God holding my right hand giving me the courage to step out of my comfort zone to serve others. Each time I faithfully say, “Yes, Lord,” I am filled with tremendous joy and gratitude! Each nudge brings a cherished new memory and an affirmation of gratitude for being part of the kin-dom of God on earth!

Dear gracious and loving God,
Thank you for using your son’s life to show us radical love!
Thank you for teaching us to love others with your unconditional, compassionate love.
Thank you for pouring your Spirit through us as we courageously step out to put our faith into action by loving others well.
We are your grateful sons and daughters!

Kathy Cook is the 2024 Children’s Curriculum author and active United Women in Faith member.

The photograph is from the 2024 Prayer Guide.

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