General Conference
General Conference: Frequently Asked Questions
The 2024 United Methodist General Conference took place April 23 to May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina. There, more than 700 elected delegates from around the world set denominational policy, revised church law, approved budgets for churchwide programs, and adopted resolutions on current moral, social, public policy, and economic issues.
In May 2024 United Women in Faith hosted a virtual town hall on the outcomes of General Conference and invited members to submit questions. Some of those questions are answered here, with more answers to come!
General Conference
How will United Methodists learn about what happened at General Conference?
The official General Conference website has everything you need to know, including a comprehensive summary of major legislative decisions, which United Methodist News sent to pastors and conference directors of communications. Pastors and leaders should share news in local churches, as will local, district, and conference newsletters. Some district superintendents and bishops may hold virtual or in-person sessions as well.
When will General Conference decisions go into effect?
Except for legislation specifically named to take effect at the end of General Conference, the new Book of Discipline and Book of Resolutions will go into effect January 1, 2025. Decisions in effect now include removal of bans on gay clergy and same-sex weddings and preparation for worldwide regionalization, including the formation of an Interim Committee on Organization for the creation of a U.S. Regional Committee and Interim U.S. Legislative Committee.
When will the new Book of Discipline be available?
The new Book of Discipline will be published in January 2025. It will include the new Social Principles and all updates and changes made at the 2024 General Conference. The official General Conference site shares the effective dates of General Conference legislation, and you can pre-order copies of the Book of Discipline and Book of Resolutions at Cokesbury.
What General Conference legislation requires a vote from annual conferences?
Any changes to paragraphs 1 to 61 in the Book of Discipline require votes from annual conferences. These paragraphs are The United Methodist Church’s constitution, changes to which must be ratified by voting members of every annual conference around the world. Ratification means approval of General Conference’s decision by two-thirds of all voting members of all annual conferences. It is an aggregate vote: every yes and no counts toward the total.
Do local churches need to vote on the decisions made at General Conference?
No. Nothing passed at the 2024 General Conference requires action at the local church level. However, the decisions allow change to occur if that is the desire of your congregation. The removal of the bans is an opportunity, not a mandate.
Can LGBTQ+ individuals now serve as clergy in The United Methodist Church?
Yes, if they meet the requirements laid out in the Book of Discipline, including education, experience, and approval by boards of ordained ministries and clergy sessions of annual conferences.
Can LGBTQ+ couples now be married in The United Methodist Church?
Yes, if the elder or licensed pastor chooses to officiate the ceremony. After due counsel with the parties involved, the decision to perform the ceremony for any couple is the right and responsibility of the pastor.
How and when will changes related to LGBTQ marriage and ordination be implemented at local churches?
The removal of the bans on gay clergy and same-sex weddings went into effect at the end of General Conference.
How does General Conference scripturally justify changing the discipline on homosexuality?
In 1988, the General Conference instructed the General Council on Ministries to create a committee to study homosexuality from a theological standpoint and report to the 1996 General Conference. Even then the committee recommended removal of the condemnation of homosexuality from the church’s Social Principles.
Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience is how we mature as Christians according to the founder of Methodism John Wesley. Letting new information, perspectives, and experiences change how we live our faith has always been a part of Christian history. The decisions of General Conference do not enforce conformity but allow for diversity—from all perspectives—without punishing one group.
Suggested resources to help answer this question:
Your church may have a copy of the book The Church Studies Homosexuality, a study for United Methodist groups using the report of the Committee to Study Homosexuality, published in 1994 by Cokesbury. The General Commission on Archives also has the position papers collected by the committee.
See the Rev. James Howell’s “15 Propositions Regarding the Bible and Homosexuality.” Howell is a pastor at Myers Park United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can also lead or participate in the study Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality: Toward a Faithful United Methodist Witness from United Methodist Discipleship Ministries.
The documentary For the Bible Tells Me So focuses on five Christian families with gay children and deconstructs the arguments that the Bible condemns homosexuality, featuring clergy and scholars who explain the cultural and historical context for Old Testament quotes routinely referenced as arguments against homosexuality and describe the nuances of translation.
Bishop Karen Oliveto’s book Our Strangely Warmed Hearts: Coming Out Into God’s Call is a 2024 United Women in Faith Reading Program selection.
For more resources, check out those suggested by the Reconciling Ministries Network.
If I don’t agree with General Conference decisions, can I still be a part of United Women in Faith?
Yes. Women of various backgrounds and perspectives are welcome to be a part of United Women in Faith, with the understanding that we first do no harm, speak only from our own experiences, listen with our head and heart, and be willing to grow and change. As the official laywomen’s organization of The United Methodist Church, our beliefs, practices, and positions will align with those of The United Methodist Church, and it is a blessing to be part of a church that values diversity and welcomes conversation about how to best love our neighbors. United Women in Faith offers many avenues to participate in our mission and sisterhood, and we invite all women who want to positively inspire, influence, and impact their communities to check us out.
Were conservative caucuses like Good News present at the 2024 General Conference?
Yes. Good News and the Wesleyan Covenant Association lobbied ahead of and during the recent General Conference in Charlotte. Both groups stated that their goals were to extend disaffiliation, a divisive exit process that required a great amount of the church’s time and resources. By a large majority, delegates from around the world said no to disaffiliation of any form, as there are other, less harmful ways for churches to leave the denomination inside and outside the United States. Good News declared the 2024 conference its last, and the Wesleyan Covenant Association is now led by a president who is no longer a part of The United Methodist Church.
Did the United Methodist position on abortion change?
No. You can find the updated statement on p. 28 of the Revised Social Principles, which passed General Conference.
How will the decisions of General Conference impact local churches?
For many churches, it will continue to be business as usual, with the new, lowered apportionment rate likely having the most direct impact beginning in January. Churches have the option to host same-sex wedding ceremonies and the option to receive appointment of an openly gay pastor. If your church is served by a deacon, deacons can now preside over sacraments. A new clergy retirement plan goes into effect January 2026.
A reduced denominational budget will affect district, conference, regional, and global funding and mission, including resources benefiting local churches. And church leaders and membership should familiarize themselves with new resolutions passed to ensure their preaching, actions, and practices align.
Like every General Conference year, your bishop may change. Bishops are the administrative head of your annual conference and responsible for appointing district superintendents and pastors. The 2024 General Conference approved two new bishops for United Methodists in Africa and a reduction to 32 bishops in the United States, recommending no new episcopal elections at the 2024 Jurisdictional Conferences taking place this July. Current bishops would be assigned to cover two vacancies in the Western Jurisdiction and one vacancy in the Northeastern Jurisdiction, taking effect September 1, 2024.
In addition, your pastor and voting member to annual conference will need be informed about regionalization, the addition of “gender” and “ability” to Paragraph 4, and other constitutional amendments on which they will be voting. U.S. annual conferences will likely vote on amendments at their spring 2025 gatherings. United Methodist Communications has created a helpful infographic
How will the decisions made at General Conference affect our denomination now that so many churches have disaffiliated?
Some more churches may choose to leave in the name of the decisions made at General Conference. And: New people are joining the church because of the decisions of General Conference. There is reason to hope for joy and growth on the other side of this time of change.
What is the Interim Committee on Organization for the U.S. Regional Conference?
As part of worldwide regionalization, the Council of Bishops will appoint a 20- to 25-member committee to organize the convening gathering of the U.S. regional conference. Members will be chosen among elected delegates, with a minimum of three members from each U.S. jurisdiction. The committee will work the secretary and business manager of the General Conference along with three central conference members elected from their conferences.
What is the new U.S. Regional Committee?
The U.S. Regional Committee established by the General Conference comprises all General Conference delegates elected in the United States and one lay and one clergy delegate from each central conference. This committee is now in effect and does not need to be ratified. Like the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters, this committee in the days immediately prior to a regular session of General Conference review all petitions pertaining to the operation, governance, witness, and ministry of The United Methodist Church in the United States and are adaptable by the central conferences, will do so in the days prior the regular session of General Conference. Should regionalization be ratified by the annual conferences, this committee will expire to the become the U.S. Regional Conference.
The United Methodist Church approved full communion with the Episcopal Church. Does the Episcopal Church ordain women?
Yes, the Episcopal Church ordains women, and no diocese can deny ordination solely on the grounds of gender. The Episcopal Church will decide whether to affirm full communion likely in 2027.
Was the General Conference supportive of the work of the general agencies?
The majority of the legislation submitted by the general agencies was supported by the General Conference. You can learn about the important mission and ministries of the church’s 13 agencies on UMC.org, where you’ll also find links to each agency’s website if you’d like to learn more about their General Conference legislation.
You can also review the denominational budget approved by the General Conference. The budget includes the World Service Fund, which supports Church and Society, Communications, Discipleship Ministries, Global Ministries, Higher Education and Ministry, Religion and Race, Status and Role of Women, and United Methodist Men, and the General Administration Fund, which supports Archives and History and Finance and Administration. Agencies can also receive direct giving. United Methodist Publishing House, United Women in Faith, and Wespath are self-funded.
General Conference and United Women in Faith
Which petitions submitted by United Women in Faith passed General Conference?
Eighteen out of 19 of our petitions were supported on consent calendar. One, a constitutional amendment to secure annual conference voting rights for retired deaconesses and home missioners, missed the two-thirds majority vote required by less than 4 percent. You can read about our legislation on the General Conference blog.
Why do you think the constitutional amendment to allow retired deaconesses and home missioners to vote at annual conference didn’t pass? It really surprised me.
Paragraph 32 of the Book of Discipline grants active deaconesses and home missioners the right to vote at annual conference. United Women in Faith’s petition sought to give retired deaconesses and home missioners the same voice and vote.
In 2016, the covenant community of deaconesses and home missioners became an order in The United Methodist Church. Members of the church’s other orders, elders and deacons, vote in retirement. The petition brought the voting rights of deaconesses and home missioners into alignment with the other orders, as being consecrated and commissioned as a deaconess or home missioner is likewise a lifetime commitment to The United Methodist Church.
Speeches and questions revealed some misunderstandings of the order of deaconess and home missioner that likely affected the vote. Even then, it was a very close!
We’ll have the opportunity to try again at the next regular session of General Conference. In the meantime, learn more about deaconesses and home missioners and share about their crucial work!
How will decisions made at General Conference affect United Women in Faith?
The only changes made to the paragraphs governing United Women in Faith in the Book of Discipline were those we requested ourselves, to make the size of our program advisory group more flexible and allow deaconesses and home missioners to work remotely. No plans, changes, or resolutions passed that directly change how we operate or organize. We are heartened that the resolutions we submitted on behalf of women, children, and youth have become official statements of The United Methodist Church, naming gender equity and racial and climate justice as kin-dom building work we all engage in together.
Our member delegates are now part of the U.S. Regional Committee, and some will likely also be part of the smaller Interim Committee on Organization for the U.S. Regional Conference. We believe the regionalization plan that passed General Conference is a faithful path forward for The United Methodist Church, so we will be advocating for its ratification along with the ratification of the addition of “gender” and “ability” to be among the attributes that should not impede full participation in the life of the congregation.
In addition to our own work, we are named as collaborators in the work of gender equity, children’s advocacy, and racial and climate justice with such partners as Global Ministries, the General Board of Church and Society, General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, Caretakers of God’s Creation, and New Federation of Asian American United Methodists, and others.
As the official laywomen’s organization of The United Methodist Church, how the church expresses and engages in its mission to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world affects how we shape our statements, actions, and practices. We take seriously our call to ensure women’s voices are included in the church’s decision-making.
How will regionalization affect United Women in Faith?
United Women in Faith is already organized as a U.S.-based, regional organization, practicing mutuality in mission with women around the world. We are organized under the 1900 paragraphs in the Book of Discipline, so the regionalization legislation itself won’t directly change how we operate, but it is a call to be intentional about our worldwide relationships and our membership in the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women. We will help inform our members about regionalization and support our central conference siblings in ratifying the constitutional amendments, and we will monitor and be part of the decision-making that establishes a U.S. regional conference.
If regionalization is ratified, a U.S. legislative body will meet that United Women in Faith will be part of, and the General Conference structure and cycle will likely be different and we’ll adapt accordingly while bringing members along as decisions are made. For more information on what the regionalization plan will do (and not do), visit the primer from Ask the UMC.
Does the Book of Discipline continue to state that there shall be a United Women in Faith in all local churches?
Yes, it does! Paragraph 256.5 of the Book of Discipline states, “In every local church there shall be an organized unit of United Methodist Women [United Women in Faith].” There you can also find the purpose and constitution of United Women in Faith at the local church. There shall also be a United Women in Faith organized at the district (¶670), conference (¶647), jurisdiction (¶536), and national level (¶1901) as well. The United Methodist Church still recognizes the importance of laywomen organizing for mission and sisterhood.
Was the Charter for Racial Justice readopted?
Yes! It was readopted with a few small edits to the introductory text and will appear in the 2020/2024 Book of Resolutions.
Is there a video of United Women in Faith’s plenary presentation at General Conference?
Yes! You can view it on our YouTube page.
Did our name officially change to United Women in Faith?
Our name remains “United Methodist Women” in the Book of Discipline, as “United Methodist Women” currently remains our legal name—we are doing business as United Women in Faith. If we decide to make a full change, we’ll make the request at a future General Conference.
How did United Women in Faith work before and during General Conference to gain support for our legislation and goals?
A team of staff always has its eye on General Conference. The first (and best) step toward gaining support for legislation is to submit good legislation: relevant, well written, persuasive, and in line with United Methodist teachings, with input from multiple stakeholders and offering achievable actions. We engage advocacy partners, fellow agencies, and our board of directors and program advisory group in both the writing and promotion of our legislation. Agency staff meet in the leadup to each General Conference to keep one another informed.
General Conference-focused online course, newsletter, blog, WhatsApp group, and digital community were created to keep members informed, and articles were shared in response magazine. Staff spoke at member events, United Methodist gatherings, Leadership Development Days, delegation meetings, and our board and program advisory group meetings. We also held an informational virtual gathering for our member delegates.
If you’d like to partner with United Women in Faith on legislation and advocacy, reach out to our director of denominational relations, Tara Barnes, at tbarnes@uwfaith.org.
Cover photo by Larry McCormack for United Methodist News.