Just Energy 4 All Resources
Just Energy for All is United Women in Faith’s campaign to work for climate justice and mobilize members and communities to advocate for cleaner, 100% renewable, and just energy – for people and creation.
We are stewards of God’s creation. This is one of our very first callings in this world – a call to love, protect, and share in the gifts of God’s creation. Ecclesiastes 1: 4-7 reminds us of the abundance of such gifts: the sun, the wind, and the streams, providing beyond any of our lifetimes, and giving us renewable energy to sustain our life in this Earth. Unfortunately, our abuses of creation and one another, our exploitative systems and relationships, and our reliance on fossil fuels have gotten us to the point of planetary climate collapse.
Join us today to address the climate crisis! Or visit uwfaith.org for more information.
Quick Links
Climate Justice Action Alerts
Climate Justice Resources
Newsletter Sign-up
Just Energy For All Webinar Registration
JE4All Working Groups Registration
Just Energy For All
Energy Funding
Sisters in Action Community Organizing Toolkit
Support Our Work

Make your voice be heard in demanding climate justice!
We ask local, state, and federal governments and corporations to:
- Increase clean, 100% renewable and just energy infrastructure with equitable considerations aligned with the Jemez Principles and the Principles for Environmental Justice that are good for people and creation. Prioritize investments, opportunities, hiring, and leadership of Indigenous people, youth, women, elderly, Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, and other communities directly impacted by the climate crisis and extractive industries, and communities historically marginalized.
- Align existing and new policies to fossil fuel non-proliferation and phase down and out of existing fossil fuel extraction and consumption in a swift, equitable, and just manner aiming for 70% emission reductions by 2030 and 100% by 2050.
- Align targets and practices to contribute the U.S. fair share of climate finance, loss and damage contributions as a historical emitter, and emission reductions in order to remain under the 1.5 C warming limit established during the Paris Agreement.
Get Involved in Our Activities
Member Level
Level 1
- Subscribe to the Just Energy for All Newsletter
- Attend or watch a JE4A webinar or partner event
- Ask Congress to prioritize climate justice legislation
- Invite 5 friends to subscribe to the CJ newsletter
- Take a fun energy quiz
- Conserve energy at home by following these tips
- VIsit EIA’s website and find out where your state’s energy comes from
Level 2
- Share an article about climate justice with your circle to discuss (e.g. visit/subscribe Climate Nexus)
- Share federal updates and calls to action during monthly meetings
- Get acquainted with environmental justice and energy justice groups in your surroundings (check out climate networks to explore more: USCAN & Climate Action Alliance)
- Contact your local utility for resources to help you become more energy efficient
Unit Level
Level 1
- JE4A Webinar Watch Party
- Sign up your unit for our legislative calls to action
- Mobilize your church to install LED bulbs & energy efficiency reminders throughout the congregation
- Watch and discuss together our Solar Equity JE4A Webinar (part 1, part 2 )
- Learn about local environmental and climate justice issues in your community
- Send BAC Healthy Air Postcards and invite others to join
- Hold a public Earth Day Bible study
- Give away LED light bulbs with interesting energy facts & P2A at a local event
Level 2
- Read the new Climate Justice: A Call to Hope and Action book or find similar ones in the Reading Program
- Each unit member takes at least one monthly legislative action to promote E&C Justice
- Designate a JE4A leader in your circle to champion the 13 Steps to Sustainability
- Work with your congregation leaders to review the EnergyStar Workbook for Congregations
- Play the Climate Justice Simulation Experience
- Each unit member sends a postcard to their elected officials to support climate justice legislation
- Volunteer frequently as a group with a local E&C justice organization
- Consider an energy audit or energy upgrade on your church or another local facility or consider GreenFaith and state affiliates of Interfaith Power and Light who might offer these services.
District Level
- Explore and share Federal Funding for Houses of Worship to get energy upgrades
- District takes on an E&C Justice Project to be completed/reported on during the next Annual District Meeting (e.g. RE in host congregation, IRA grant proposal, or action on one local legislative priority)
- Invite Environmental and Climate Justice organizations to speak at a meeting or event (find groups here: USCAN & Climate Action Alliance)
- During a district-wide event have a discussion about our energy future and invite experts on energy audits and renewable energy installations (e.g. Solar United Neighbors, Collective Sun)
- Write here!
Conference Level
Level 1
- Share resources about CJM Resolutions and see if any has been passed in your conference.
- Connect with State Interfaith Power and Light partners
- Elects SAC for Climate Justice Priority (if applicable) or nominate someone each year to take the Earthkeepers training
- Set an equity centered fund for churches wanting to install renewables and do energy efficiency upgrades & share the news with us.
Level 2
- Each conference supports CJM and other E&C Justice resolutions
- Have a legislative event in your state with the help of advocacy partners
- Invite E&C Justice groups to speak at annual conference
- Pilot one energy efficient program in one NMI, church, or local org. according to feasibility and where would be most equitable
Jurisdiction Level
- One or two jurisdictional leaders are trained to provide JE4A presentations jurisdiction wide
- One or two jurisdictional leaders are involved in USCAN and other collaborative groups
- Jurisdiction leaders collect and present stories of environmental advocacy and just energy transitions in their jurisdictions
- One energy efficient project is mentored to apply for Federal Grants to advance their implementation