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United Women in Faith Board of Directors Elects Mollie James-Vickery Interim General Secretary, CEO

For immediate release NEW YORK—United Women in Faith today announced the election of Mollie James-Vickery to the position of Interim General Secretary and Chief …

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With Latest Gift, United Women in Faith Hopes to Spur Investments in Entities Led by Women of Color

For Immediate Release NEW YORK – United Women in Faith today announced a second grant in furtherance of its commitment to racial justice. After …

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United Women in Faith CEO Harriett Jane Olson to Retire in Spring 2023

For Immediate Release NEW YORK, Oct. 13, 2022—United Women in Faith General Secretary and CEO Harriett Jane Olson announced her planned retirement in the …

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Following Crisis in Jackson, United Women in Faith Urges More Focused and Sustained Action to Invest in Communities of Color, Transition to Green Economy

For Immediate Release NEW YORK, Sept. 7, 2022 – United Women in Faith today weighed in on the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi. The …

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Following Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, United Women in Faith Urge Congress to Prioritize Environmental Justice and Frontline Communities 

For Immediate Release  Aug. 18, 2022  Contact:  Following Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, United Women in Faith Urge Congress to Prioritize Environmental Justice …

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United Women in Faith Opposes Supreme Court EPA Ruling

For Immediate Release NEW YORK, July 5, 2022 – After the Supreme Court ruled, in a 6-3 opinion, to limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s …

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United Women in Faith Concerned About Women’s and Girls’ Lives as Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade

For Immediate Release NEW YORK, June 24, 2022 – As a leading Christian women’s organization committed to the needs of women, children, and youth, …

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Girls Embracing Mothers to Be Featured on United Women in Faith’s Faith Talks Podcast

Part of Our Work as Christian Women is to Intervene in Situations that Could Derail Women and Girls From Fulfilling their Life’s Calling For …

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United Women in Faith Prays for Healing of Nation in Wake of Texas Shooting

O Lord in your mercy, hear our cries for the families crushed with sorrow by the loss of their children and loved ones in …

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United Women in Faith Announces $250,000 Grant to Support Daughters of Incarcerated Mothers

For Immediate Release NEW YORK, May 20, 2022 – United Women in Faith today announced a $250,000 grant to Girls Embracing Mothers (GEM) as …

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